Statistics Norway

Child welfare

2   Children under protection 31 December, by age and type of assistance. 2005
Type of assistance 31 December Tota1 Age
-2 3-5 6-12 13-17 18-22 Unknown
20052 29 871 1 814 4 208 11 543 9 958 2 347 1
Economic assistance 7 600  318  728 2 623 2 917 1 014 0
Kindergarten 3 735  723 2 711  301 0 0 0
Person selected to support child 3 359 44  133 1 582 1 402  197 1
Supervision 3 782  201  420 1 599 1 447  115 0
Visit home/relief support 7 933  379 1 303 4 063 2 026  161 1
Home adviser/relief at home 1 515  177  242  624  415 57 0
After school support 2 985 0 0 2 985 0 0 0
Leisure activity 2 206 13 47 1 027  966  153 0
Education/work  265 0 1 1  164 99 0
Medical examination and treatment  352 20 25 96  159 52 0
Treatment of children with special medical needs  129 3 8 46 60 12 0
Parents/child places (incl. maternity home)  172 90 35 32 11 4 0
Housing/lodging  614 0 0 0  149  465 0
Emergency shelter home  369 73 51  116  125 4 0
Foster home outside the family 3 588  126  359 1 337 1 327  439 0
Foster home within the family 1 262 45 97  479  542 99 0
Reinforced foster home outside the family 1 951 84  190  798  748  131 0
Reinforced foster home within the family  229 12 20 91 96 10 0
Children's home 1 310 4 13  132  957  204 0
Institution for alcoholics and drug addicts  126 0 0 1 74 51 0
Living/working collective 66 1 1 1 43 20 0
Psychiatric treatment in institution 11 0 0 1 7 3 0
Policlinical psychiatric treatment  486 0 49  203  183 51 0
Multisystemic treatment  304 0 0 18  279 7 0
Parent Management Training  296 4 42  186 61 3 0
Other assistance 11 837  775 1 392 4 618 4 310  742 0
1  Including children with unknown age.
2  Each child may have several types of assistance. Hence, the sum of types of assistance is larger than the number of child who have received assistance.

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