Statistics Norway

Child welfare

2   Children under protection 31 December, by age and type of assistance. 2006
Type of assistance 31 December Total1 Age
-2 3-5 6-12 13-17 18-22 Unknown
20062 30 804 1 916 4 193 11 825 10 463 2 404 3
Economic assistance 7 981  315  767 2 730 3 173  994 2
Kindergarten 3 750  775 2 623  352 0 0 0
Person selected to support child 3 116 33  102 1 422 1 354  205 0
Supervision 4 051  206  405 1 715 1 632 93 0
Visit home/relief support 7 997  382 1 220 4 115 2 122  158 0
Home adviser/relief at home 1 560  162  228  654  453 62 1
After school support 3 198 0 1 3 197 0 0 0
Leisure activity 2 300 11 55 1 035 1 063  136 0
Education/work  301 0 0 0  201  100 0
Medical examination and treatment  301 17 11 83  157 33 0
Treatment of children with special medical needs 83 2 8 26 38 9 0
Parents/child places (incl. maternity home)  162 80 35 36 11 0 0
Housing/lodging  872 0 0 0  173  699 0
Emergency shelter home  416 73 62  107  169 5 0
Foster home outside the family 3 628  131  329 1 345 1 381  442 0
Foster home within the family 1 326 45  110  492  579  100 0
Reinforced foster home outside the family 2 093  102  201  845  820  125 0
Reinforced foster home within the family  245 11 21  100  100 13 0
Children's home 1 386 7 15  141 1 013  210 0
Institution for alcoholics and drug addicts  137 0 0 0 77 60 0
Living/working collective 77 0 0 3 49 25 0
Psychiatric treatment in institution 8 0 0 1 4 3 0
Policlinical psychiatric treatment  350 0 29  134  151 36 0
Multisystemic treatment  295 0 0 18  268 9 0
Parent Management Training  356 5 56  236 59 0 0
Other assistance 12 967  842 1 581 4 987 4 785  770 2
1  Including children with unknown age.
2  Each child may have several types of assistance. Hence, the sum of types of assistance is larger than the number of child who have received assistance.

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