Statistics Norway

Child welfare

7 Children under protection per 31 December, by age and type of assistance. 2007
Type of assistance Total1 Age
-2 3-5 6-12 13-17 18-22 Unknown
20072 32 705 2 115 4 347 12 707 11 064 2 469 3
Kindergarten 3 813  829 2 659  325 0 0 0
Person selected to support child 3 105 46  133 1 434 1 321  171 0
Visit home/relief support 8 284  390 1 235 4 296 2 205  158 0
Home adviser/relief at home 1 640  170  274  716  417 63 0
After school support 3 481 0 0 3 481 0 0 0
Leisure activity 2 685 15 68 1 199 1 237  166 0
Supervision 3 639  200  384 1 546 1 429 80 0
Economic assistance 7 398  308  638 2 550 2 986  916 0
Education/work  308 0 0 0  191  117 0
Medical examination and treatment  330 14 22 83  162 49 0
Treatment of children with special educational needs 90 2 5 39 35 9 0
Centre for parents and children  178  101 40 28 6 3 0
Own housing  685 0 0 0  143  542 0
Housing with support  214 0 0 1 68  145 0
Emergency shelter home  410 86 55  152  111 6 0
Foster home outside the family 3 482  136  275 1 282 1 318  471 0
Foster home within the family 1 371 54 97  506  606  108 0
Reinforced foster home outside the family 2 454  109  250  990  966  138 1
Reinforced foster home within the family  324 20 18  123  153 10 0
Child welfare institution 1 375 9 6  141 1 015  204 0
Other treatment's institutions  200 0 0 8  114 78 0
Out-patient psychiatric treatment  285 0 31  122  116 16 0
Multisystemic treatment  355 0 0 28  315 12 0
Parent Management Training Oregon  459 10 64  308 77 0 0
Other home-based treatment  502 38 45  174  218 27 0
Participation in a support group  684 46  114  269  231 24 0
Advice and guidance 2 417  207  356  948  787  118 1
Other assistance 12 797  800 1 432 4 981 4 772  810 2
1  Including children with unknown age.
2  Each child may have several types of assistance. Hence, the sum of types of assistance is larger than the number of child who have received assistance.

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