Child welfare, investigations

2   Cases investigated at the child welfare service, by the report's contents and who reported the case. 1997-2001
The case is reported by1 Investigation cases started2 The report's contents
Inadequate care/abuse The conditions at the home The child's behavioural problems Other Unknown
1997 15 761 3 177 7 761 2 849     3 886  387
1998 16 047 2 999 8 311 3 082 3 754  151
1999 17 059 3 328 8 746 3 514 3 961 70
2000 17 545 3 305 9 152 3 557 3 906  107
2001 18 655 3 523 10 002 3 716 4 017 69
The child  427 96  234 49  112 1
Mother/father 4 683  378 2 531 1 008 1 320 7
Other family  705  212  459 59  108 -
Neigbours  597  237  354 48 71 -
Social service 1 019  240  658 70  209 -
Child welfare service 2 076  566 1 271  222  427 1
Emergency child protection center 1 273  269  680  294  188 -
Kindergarten  472  119  277 81 92 -
Child health center  988  150  653  103  214 -
Physician/hospital  833  177  453  141  184 1
School 2 029  337  875  874  338 2
Educational/psychological service  464 51  203  179  111 -
Police 1 499  242  596  495  336 3
Psychiatric institution  784  123  452  181  160 -
Others 2 090  571 1 117  230  456 1
Unknown 66 5 7 2 6 55
1  The case may be reported by several parts. Hence, the sum total of who reported the case is larger than reports total.
2  The child are counted once for each municipality where investigation has started.

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