Statistics Norway


1   Establishments, by size groups and economic activity. 1 July 2007
Economic activity Total number of establishments No employees 1-4 employees 5-9 employees 10-19 employees 20-49 employees 50-99 employees 100-249 employees 250 employees and more
Total  482 598  301 049 96 705 37 301 24 816 15 383 4 669 2 075  600
A - Agriculture, hunting and forestry 64 908 57 958 6 147  540  185 68 6 4 -
B - Fishing 6 806 5 942  538  201 88 30 5 2 -
C - Mining and quarrying 1 320  690  272  118  105 62 30 21 22
D - Manufacturing 23 933 11 642 5 323 2 515 1 858 1 499  620  346  130
E - Electricity, gas and water supply 1 862  937  349  183  181  151 43 16 2
F - Construction 46 846 29 936 9 603 3 444 2 229 1 218  299 84 33
G - Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehichles, motorcycles and personal household goods 72 389 28 925 21 543 12 033 6 804 2 528  416  115 25
H - Hotels and restaurants 12 019 4 693 3 056 1 827 1 444  777  164 55 3
I - Transport, storage and communication 27 705 15 932 7 201 2 124 1 133  779  284  179 73
J - Financial intermediation 5 821 3 331 1 094  616  361  257 90 50 22
K - Real estate, renting and business activities  123 676 92 409 21 979 4 532 2 496 1 426  500  265 69
L - Public administration 6 051  600 1 704 1 223 1 015  929  312  202 66
M - Education 10 910 4 574 1 371  981 1 132 1 889  748  176 39
N - Health and social work 41 703 18 419 9 148 4 679 4 629 3 167 1 042  512  107
O - Other community, social and personal service activities 36 156 24 645 7 309 2 279 1 153  603  110 48 9
P - Private households with employed persons 62 45 17 - - - - - -
Q - Extra-territorial organizations and bodies 12 2 5 3 2 - - - -
Unknown  419  369 46 3 1 - - - -

Explanation of symbols