Statistics Norway

Vehicles discarded against refund

3   Vans1 scrapped for refund, by make
Year and make Stock of vans
31 December
Vans scrapped for refund
Total Percentage
of the stock
Average age2
when scrapped
1985  130 681 2 856 2.2 13.0
1986  145 983 4 334 3.0 13.0
1987  157 282 3 987 2.5 13.0
1988  162 700 4 212 2.6 13.0
1989  165 183 4 044 2.4 13.0
1990  164 738 3 306 2.0 13.0
1991  164 475 3 101 1.9 13.0
1992  165 446 3 155 1.9 14.0
1993  169 981 3 129 1.8 13.8
1994  176 528 3 035 1.7 14.2
1995  183 897 3 528 1.9 14.5
1996  186 523 12 188 6.5 14.5
1997  198 306 2 930 1.5 14.2
1998  208 955 4 224 2.0 14.2
19993  219 731 5 525 2.5 14.6
20003  233 248 5 960 2.6 15.0
20013  249 939 5 986 2.4 15.4
20023  258 133 6 976 2.7 15.7
20033  268 326 7 117 2.7 16.0
2004  284 029 6 965 2.5 16.0
Audi 4 678 27 0.6 9.9
Chevrolet 2 623 25 1.0 17.8
Citroën 13 958  253 1.8 12.5
Fiat 6 092 58 1.0 14.5
Ford 20 636 1 339 6.5 14.0
Jeep 5 743 22 0.4 9.0
Mazda 2 178  273 12.5 18.4
Mercedes Benz 12 008  116 1.0 15.7
Mitsubishi 18 992  514 2.7 17.0
Nissan 14 209  610 4.3 18.0
Opel 12 261  113 0.9 10.5
Peugeot 16 696  233 1.4 15.0
Renault 8 125  116 1.4 12.4
Seat 2 772 34 1.2 7.7
Skoda 3 445 54 1.6 9.2
Toyota 53 085 1 119 2.1 17.6
Volkswagen 41 854 1 102 2.6 17.3
Volvo 4 414  145 3.3 21.0
Other makes 40 260  812 2.0 15.9
1  Vans with a total weight of less than 3.5 tonnes.
2  As from 1993 decimals are used to show the average age.
3  Figures for scrapped vehicles 1999 - 2003 have been corrected.
Source: The Register of Vehicles at the Directorate of Public Roads, and scrapped vehicle refund data from the Directorate of Customs and Excise.

Explanation of symbols