Statistics Norway

Farmers' income and property

2 Entrepreneurial income from agriculture for holders, by type of farming. 2006
  Entrepreneurial income from agriculture Holders by entrepreneurial income from agriculture
  Total Per holder Holders, total Without positive income NOK 1-49 999 NOK 50 000-99 999 NOK 100 000-249 999 NOK 250 000-399 999 NOK 400 000-
  NOK million NOK Per cent
Total 5 652  117 200 48 243 25 23 12 24 11 5
Type of farming                  
Cereals and oil seeds  508 57 600 8 826 37 35 12 12 3 2
Other field crops  380  115 600 3 287 33 22 10 18 10 7
Horticulture and permanent crops  223  163 900 1 360 26 20 11 20 12 12
Cattle - dairying 2 233  192 800 11 584 7 8 11 45 24 6
Cattle - rearing and fattening  284 74 400 3 818 32 28 14 20 5 2
Cattle - mixed  137  229 800  598 6 8 8 37 27 13
Sheep  497 54 700 9 085 32 34 16 15 3 1
Various grazing livestock  278 96 700 2 875 33 22 11 23 9 3
Granivores  356  242 200 1 469 15 10 10 26 21 20
Mixed cropping  107  185 200  578 22 19 8 21 16 14
Mixed livestock  197  219 300  900 16 10 6 30 22 16
Mixed crops - livestock  451  116 800 3 863 31 21 10 20 12 6

Explanation of symbols