Statistics Norway

Farmers' income and property

4 Average gross income for holders, by type of farming. 2006. NOK
  Gross income, total Wages and salaries Entrepreneurial income from agriculture Other entrepreneurial income Pensions Capital income etc.
Total  376 500  159 700  117 200 49 700 19 300 30 700
Type of farming            
Cereals and oil seeds  456 900  252 700 57 600 78 100 26 200 42 300
Other field crops  430 500  188 800  115 600 68 700 19 300 38 100
Horticulture and permanent crops  450 400  142 800  163 900 47 700 24 500 71 500
Cattle - dairying  316 800 65 100  192 800 27 700 8 800 22 400
Cattle - rearing and fattening  359 400  183 700 74 400 52 700 22 000 26 600
Cattle - mixed  355 600 59 700  229 800 38 600 5 200 22 400
Sheep  332 000  192 000 54 700 36 100 26 900 22 400
Various grazing livestock  337 200  159 000 96 700 40 100 21 700 19 700
Granivores  451 000  108 500  242 200 39 800 10 800 49 700
Mixed cropping  450 100  139 900  185 200 59 900 17 300 47 800
Mixed livestock  484 100 93 200  219 300  116 400 12 500 42 600
Mixed crops - livestock  389 500  166 300  116 800 59 300 17 800 29 100

Explanation of symbols