Statistics Norway

Building statistics

1   Building work started. Preliminary figures1,2
  May Changes in per cent January-May Changes in per cent
  2002 2003 2002 2003
Number of dwellings 1 541 1 372 -11.0 9 094 8 506 -6.5
Utility floor space, 1 000 m2            
Total  467.0  426.8 -8.6 2 703.8 2 362.3 -12.6
Dwellings  217.3  198.6 -8.6 1 203.1 1 119.0 -7.0
Other buildings  249.7  228.2 -8.6 1 500.7 1 243.3 -17.2
1  The registration of non-residential buildings in the municipality of Oslo was imperfect for the years 2001, 2002 and the beginning of 2003.
2  The registration of residential buildings in the municipality of Oslo was imperfect for April 2003.

Explanation of symbols