Statistics Norway

Building statistics

2   Building activity in May. Preliminary figures1,2
  Building work started Buildings under construction Buildings completed
  May January-May Per 31 May May January-May
Dwellings Number 2002 1 541 9 094 26 403 1 447 8 669
  ' 2003 1 372 8 506 27 688 1 382 7 886
Utility floor space to dwellings 1 000 m2     2002  217.3 1 203.1 3 756.8  200.0 1 180.4
  ' 2003  198.6 1 119.0 3 855.4  194.2 1 058.8
Other buildings. Utility floor space to other than in dwellings ' 2002  249.7 1 500.7 4 465.4  259.1 1 512.5
    2003  228.2 1 243.3 4 016.1  185.7 1 303.8
Agriculture, hunting and forestry ' 2002 27.0  173.9 - 21.4  188.8
  ' 2003 25.2  149.9 - 24.4  177.9
Fishing ' 2002 0.3 3.1 - 0.1 7.1
  ' 2003 0.4 6.5 - 0.3 5.7
Mining and quarrying ' 2002 0.6 2.7 - - 6.1
  ' 2003 - 2.3 - - 3.1
Industry ' 2002 33.4  216.3 - 45.1  250.7
  ' 2003 23.2  181.5 - 29.5  192.3
Electricity, gas and water supply ' 2002 0.3 5.0 - 3.6 11.7
  ' 2003 2.1 8.1 - 1.0 6.4
Construction ' 2002 5.7 27.3 - 4.5 22.2
  ' 2003 2.5 20.9 - 2.6 14.8
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods ' 2002 19.0  257.7 - 23.9  186.3
  ' 2003 24.1  116.8 - 18.4  119.3
Hotels and restaurants ' 2002 1.8 23.6 - 22.3 42.7
  ' 2003 3.0 32.3 - 2.4 33.9
Transport, storage and communication ' 2002 15.5 40.2 - 9.6 42.8
  ' 2003 34.5 40.6 - 3.7 22.2
Financial intermediation ' 2002 0.6 3.5 - 0.6 5.7
  ' 2003 0.3 3.5 - 0.2 1.3
Real estate, renting and business estate activities ' 2002 7.7 84.5 - 25.9  105.7
  ' 2003 1.8 37.0 - 7.6  109.5
Public administration and defence compulsory social security ' 2002 20.0 81.1 - 11.5 75.8
  ' 2003 5.8 80.5 - 2.8 77.2
Education ' 2002 24.4  111.1 - 9.6 72.7
  ' 2003 15.5 88.4 - 4.1  102.6
Health and social work ' 2002 18.0 84.2 - 12.0 62.4
  ' 2003 6.2  118.8 - 10.8 63.6
Other community social and personal service activities ' 2002 1.7 30.0 - 7.2 41.2
  ' 2003 10.5 27.0 - 12.0 40.6
Other activities ' 2002 - 0.9 - 1.2 2.3
  ' 2003 0.4 1.3 - 1.2 2.7
Holiday property (cottages), private garages and other non-industrial activities ' 2002 73.4  355.6 - 60.5  388.4
  ' 2003 72.6  327.9 - 64.6  330.9
Dwellings and other buildings. Utility floor space, total ' 2002  467.0 2 703.8 8 222.1  459.0 2 692.9
  ' 2003  426.8 2 362.3 7 871.5  379.9 2 362.5
1  The registration of non-residential buildings in the municipality of Oslo was imperfect for the years 2001, 2002 and the beginning of 2003.
2  The registration of residential buildings in the municipality of Oslo was imperfect for April 2003.

Explanation of symbols