Statistics Norway

Building statistics

8   Buildings permits in May. Preliminary figures1,2. Breakdown according to Eurostat classifications
  May January-May
Dwellings Number 2002 1 987 10 993
  ' 2003 1 727 9 150
Detached houses, semi-detached or terraced houses excl. holiday house ' 2002  857 4 155
  ' 2003  733 3 384
Two and more dwelling buildings excl. workmens hut ' 2002  870 5 688
  ' 2003  829 5 205
Dwellings 1 000 m2 2002  289.0 1 457.3
  ' 2003  252.3 1 231.0
Detached houses, semi-detached or terraced houses ' 2002  187.7  874.1
  ' 2003  167.0  743.0
Two and more dwelling buildings ' 2002  111.2  658.8
  ' 2003 93.2  585.9
Residences for communities ' 2002 19.8 54.0
  ' 2003 7.8 22.7
Office buildings ' 2002 12.9  146.5
  ' 2003 35.3  119.8
All buildings excl. residential buildings, holiday houses and offices ' 2002  236.1 1 273.7
  ' 2003  251.4 1 244.6
1  The registration of non-residential buildings in the municipality of Oslo was imperfect for the years 2001, 2002 and the beginning of 2003.
2  The registration of residential buildings in the municipality of Oslo was imperfect for April 2003.

Explanation of symbols