Statistics Norway

Building statistics

6   Building work started. Not adjusted, seasonally adjusted and trend
  Number of dwellings3 Utility floor space, 1 000 m2
  Not adjusted Seasonally adjusted Trend Dwellings3 Other buildings1,2
  Not adjusted Seasonally adjusted Trend Not adjusted Trend
January 1 397 1 399 1 555  202.8  212.7  218.2  273.9  269.9
February 1 007 1 119 1 540  150.6  172.1  216.1  190.8  276.2
March 1 367 1 572 1 543  171.7  208.0  217.9  246.9  281.7
April 1 407 1 570 1 584  229.6  248.3  225.1  231.5  286.0
May 1 313 1 556 1 659  180.1  210.4  235.4  223.5  289.5
June 1 948 1 899 1 735  288.2  263.9  244.5  281.4  292.3
July 1 374 1 721 1 800  207.0  249.2  251.1  216.0  294.9
August 2 044 1 930 1 851  294.8  266.4  255.5  316.4  297.0
September 2 268 1 896 1 896  306.9  254.1  258.9  281.5  298.9
October 1 870 1 525 1 941  289.2  250.0  263.3  496.6  300.4
November 2 153 1 871 1 986  300.1  258.3  269.3  292.7  301.6
December 2 156 2 161 2 029  301.0  309.1  276.4  354.9  301.7
January 2 117 2 026 2 055  287.5  284.0  282.5  356.2  300.5
February 1 914 2 085 2 042  259.5  278.4  284.0  340.0  298.5
March 2 057 2 062 1 987  284.0  296.8  279.7  283.7  295.8
April 1 090 1 406 1 908  159.6  211.1  271.8  136.1  293.0
May 1 520 1 844 1 844  243.1  273.8  264.6  220.8  290.7
June 1 751 1 709 1 822  260.2  241.2  261.4  217.3  289.7
July 1 336 1 740 1 849  199.3  254.2  263.6  226.7  289.9
August 2 020 1 912 1 912  299.2  271.7  270.3  313.0  291.2
September 2 703 2 202 1 996  358.4  297.5  280.1  283.3  293.1
October 2 481 2 072 2 078  339.1  287.7  290.4  399.2  294.9
November 2 382 2 036 2 137  335.0  290.4  298.0  443.6  296.0
December 2 089 2 154 2 174  288.1  307.5  302.1  307.3  296.1
January 2 486 2 278 2 192  337.7  305.8  302.7  349.4  294.9
February 2 041 2 200 2 203  266.1  304.0  302.2  338.7  292.3
March 2 230 2 183 2 208  287.9  298.0  300.7  251.4  288.3
April 1 608 2 159 2 200  219.3  291.4  298.0  159.2  283.1
May 1 830 2 257 2 174  262.4  295.7  294.1  179.6  277.2
June 2 133 2 070 2 140  310.7  293.7  290.2  318.2  271.6
July 1 883 2 538 2 099  233.8  297.2  285.8  251.5  267.1
August 2 160 2 038 2 048  283.0  259.7  280.3  259.6  264.7
September 2 472 1 966 1 990  338.1  280.9  273.7  347.5  264.1
October 2 281 1 942 1 938  313.5  273.3  266.6  314.0  265.0
November 2 328 1 970 1 899  310.8  261.2  259.7  291.4  266.8
December 1 637 1 735 1 879  222.7  244.6  253.6  230.6  268.8
January 2 152 1 904 1 875  287.3  250.4  248.9  288.0  270.9
February 2 126 2 302 1 880  280.5  322.5  245.8  343.6  272.5
March 1 668 1 895 1 884  192.5  240.5  245.2  275.2  273.6
April 1 607 1 891 1 885  225.4  245.9  247.1  194.8  274.3
May 1 541 1 918 1 880  217.3  249.8  249.3  222.3  274.1
June 1 883 1 805 1 872  270.9  254.8  250.7  228.6  272.4
July 1 058 1 452 1 864  151.9  200.8  250.9  162.8  268.7
August 2 027 1 895 1 861  291.0  265.0  249.9  335.8  263.5
September 2 418 1 895 1 856  290.4  237.2  248.0  304.5  257.6
October 2 062 1 784 1 849  271.1  237.6  246.4  280.5  251.5
November 2 281 1 915 1 841  301.1  256.3  246.1  319.3  246.2
December 1 611 1 763 1 825  223.9  241.0  247.0  236.0  242.0
January 2 604 2 247 1 807  319.6  279.7  248.1  333.5  238.9
February 1 390 1 513 1 794  171.2  199.1  248.1  205.7  236.6
March 1 920 1 847 1 792  249.8  254.9  246.2  201.0  234.7
April 1 220 1 713 1 798  180.0  241.1  242.2  144.2  233.3
May 1 372 1 711 1 812  198.6  233.9  237.8  202.6  232.3
June 2 148 2 041 1 828  262.9  235.9  234.1  209.2  231.6
July 1 318 1 818 1 840  167.2  225.2  231.5  159.2  231.1
August 1 983 1 848 1 851  253.7  231.0  231.1  281.5  230.6
1  Buildings for agriculture, forestry and fishing are not included.
2  The registration of non-residential buildings in the municipality of Oslo was imperfect for the years 2001, 2002 and the beginning of 2003.
3  The registration of residential buildings in the municipality of Oslo was imperfect for April 2003.

Explanation of symbols