Statistics Norway

3   Buildings work started. Dwellings and utility floor space in dwellings, by type of building and county. 2003
  Total In buildings with at least 50 per cent utility floor space to dwellings In buildings with less than 50 per cent utility floor space to dwellings
  Number 1000 m2 Detached house House with two dwellings Row house, linked house and house with 3 or 4 dwellings Multi-dwelling building Residence for communities Number 1000 m2
  Number 1000 m2 Number 1000 m2 Number 1000 m2 Number 1000 m2 Number 1000 m2
Total 23 177 2 957 7 299 1 387 1 786  221 3 235  339 8 890  873 1 053 66  914 70
Østfold 1 501  181  509 92  128 14  256 24  410 38 56 4  142 8
Akershus 2 550  352  943  172  224 32  328 32  991  112 45 3 19 1
Oslo 2 616  260 96 20  116 18 99 15 2 218  200 64 5 23 2
Hedmark  767 97  273 59  102 10  140 14 72 5  119 6 61 3
Oppland  602 85  258 54 95 10  123 9 78 8 35 3 13 1
Buskerud 1 147  145  423 79 96 11  160 13  281 26 86 8  101 8
Vestfold 1 391  179  404 76  107 12  224 25  437 49 67 5  152 11
Telemark  430 60  181 36 24 3 73 7  128 13 14 1 10 0
Aust-Agder  555 71  296 49 34 4 58 5  105 9 29 1 33 2
Vest-Agder  964  123  377 68 72 8  133 15  196 23  173 6 13 2
Rogaland 2 900  409  990  202  194 22  542 57  989  111 63 4  122 12
Hordaland 1 950  264  774  142  197 26  278 28  652 64 49 3 0 -
Sogn og Fjordane  311 53  163 37 17 3 35 4 41 5 6 0 49 4
Møre og Romsdal  880  132  318 68  190 24  177 19  145 16 26 2 24 2
Sør-Trøndelag 1 831  197  379 69 95 12  241 29  942 73  128 8 46 6
Nord-Trøndelag  652 79  199 40 31 3 79 9  279 22 22 2 42 3
Nordland  970  124  280 50 30 3  101 10  510 57 39 4 10 1
Troms  887  109  297 49 28 4  118 16  362 35 32 2 50 2
Finnmark Finnmárku  273 37  139 22 6 1 70 8 54 6 - - 4 0

Explanation of symbols