Statistics Norway

Building statistics

8   Buildings permits in February. Preliminary figures1. Breakdown according to Eurostat classifications
    February January-February
Dwellings Number 2003          1 508 3 789
  " 2004 3 215 6 462
Detached houses, semi-detached or terrached houses excl. holiday house " 2003  571 1 332
  " 2004  771 1 696
Two and more dwelling buildings excl. workmens hut " 2003  863 2 260
  " 2004 2 416 4 622
Dwellings 1 000 m2 2003  188.3  484.4
  " 2004  336.6  687.8
Detached houses, semi-detached or terraced houses " 2003  116.6  287.7
  " 2004  163.3  344.5
Two and more dwelling buildings " 2003 86.3  244.4
  " 2004  197.6  390.8
Residences for communities " 2003 3.3 8.2
  " 2004 0.8 7.1
Office buildings " 2003 11.8 55.9
  " 2004 38.8 60.8
All buildings excl. residential buildings, holiday houses and offices " 2003  235.7 2 538.2
  " 2004  276.4  606.8
1  The registration of residential buildings in the municipality of Oslo was imperfect for April 2003.
2  The figures have been revised 19 April 2004.

Explanation of symbols