Statistics Norway

Building statistics

1   Building work started. Preliminary figures1
  June Changes in per cent January-June Changes in per cent
  2003 2004 2003 2004
Number of dwellings 2 148 3 537 64.7 10 654 13 843 29.9
Utility floor space, 1 000 m2            
Total 2 518.1  703.1 35.7 22 882.4 3 409.1 18.3
Dwellings  262.9  369.3 40.5 1 382.0 1 616.8 17.0
Other buildings 2 255.2  333.8 30.8 21 500.4 1 792.3 19.5
1  The registration of residential buildings in Oslo is incomplete for April 2003.
2  The figures have been revised 23 August 2004.

Explanation of symbols