Statistics Norway

Building statistics

3   Building work started in January-November, by county. Preliminary figures1
  Number of dwellings Utility floor space in dwellings Utility floor space other than in dwellings Utility floor space, total
  2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004
      1 000 m2
Total 20 589 27 309 2 653.2 3 186.9 23 343.1 3 566.7 25 996.3 6 753.5
Østfold 1 220 1 512  151.6  179.9  149.4  219.8  300.9  399.7
Akershus 2 241 2 280  315.4  301.2  253.3  236.1  568.8  537.4
Oslo 2 296 5 653  233.9  465.7 2 412.2  366.6 2 646.1  832.3
Hedmark  651  918 83.0  118.7  150.3  158.4  233.4  277.1
Oppland  556  511 81.6 74.7  154.2  182.4  235.8  257.1
Buskerud 1 050  919  133.5  127.5  220.7  211.2  354.3  338.7
Vestfold 1 275 1 264  164.5  156.8  190.3  119.4  354.7  276.2
Telemark  414  622 57.1 83.0 99.2  127.9  156.4  211.0
Aust-Agder  533  653 63.7 88.1 74.1  148.5  137.8  236.6
Vest-Agder  908  960  113.0  126.2  104.9  131.4  217.9  257.6
Rogaland 2 548 2 958  359.1  378.9  388.6  471.0  747.8  849.9
Hordaland 1 726 2 594  236.3  335.0  250.5  314.6  486.9  649.5
Sogn og Fjordane  302  320 50.1 50.8 71.1 92.6  121.2  143.4
Møre og Romsdal  799 1 173  120.1  152.3  148.6  184.2  268.7  336.4
Sør-Trøndelag 1 605 2 252  179.5  218.5  258.6  164.4  438.1  382.9
Nord-Trøndelag  537  557 66.9 71.0  127.9  124.3  194.8  195.3
Nordland  879 1 057  111.9  125.9  127.9  181.5  239.7  307.4
Troms  852  848  104.0 93.2  130.2 81.0  234.2  174.2
Finnmark Finnmárku  197  258 27.9 39.4 31.1 51.4 59.0 90.7
1  The registration of residential buildings in Oslo is incomplete for April 2003.
2  The figures have been revised 13 January 2005.

Explanation of symbols