Statistics Norway

Building statistics

8   Buildings permits in November. Preliminary figures. Breakdown according to Eurostat classifications
  November January-November
Dwellings     Number     2004 2 773 28 124
  " 2005 3 067 28 920
Detached houses, semi-detached or terrached houses excl. holiday house " 2004 1 090 9 457
  " 2005  844 9 514
Two- and more dwelling buildings excl. workmens hut " 2004 1 466 17 510
  " 2005 2 124 18 564
Dwellings 1 000 m2 2004  334.9 3 387.1
  " 2005  353.1 3 484.9
Detached houses, semi-detached or terraced houses " 2004  218.6 2 091.5
  " 2005  209.3 2 164.7
Two- and more dwelling buildings " 2004  152.7 1 687.3
  " 2005  197.6 1 813.9
Residences for communities " 2004 7.4 44.5
  " 2005 2.7 31.1
Office buildings " 2004 11.9  175.3
  " 2005 10.7  188.3
All buildings excl. residential buildings, holiday houses and offices " 2004  338.2 13 139.2
  " 2005  333.3 3 340.8
1  The figures have been revised 12 January 2006.

Explanation of symbols