Statistics Norway

Building statistics

2   Buildings work started. Utility floor space, by type of building and quarter. 1 000 m2
  Residential building Non-residential building, holiday house, residential garage etc.
  Total Holiday house Residential garage etc. Non-residential building
  Total Industrial building and warehouse Agricultural and fishery building Office and business building Transport and communication building Hotel and restaurant building Building used for education, public entertainment and religious activities Hospital and institutional care building Prison, building for emergency preparedness etc.
4th quarter 1 174      1 423  174  219          1 030  217  196  304 34 18  192 59 11
3rd quarter1  843 1 146  132  196  817  176  131  272 15 38  117 68 0
2nd quarter1  907 1 015  135  214  666  172  120  145 22 24  147 35 1
1st quarter1  892 1 050 91  152  807  254  109  209 55 32  102 45 2
4th quarter 1 038 1 300  130  245  925  161  150  301 40 42  189 38 4
3rd quarter  834  892  125  197  570  154  139 88 21 7  129 31 1
2nd quarter  915  994 99  216  679  185  143  137 21 9  144 38 3
1st quarter  696 2 982 84  125 2 773  162  141  170 17 19 96 2 168 1
4th quarter  806 1 316  100  166 1 050  217  146  243 77 33  233 98 2
3rd quarter  690  877 90  163  623  127  128  132 8 12  146 68 1
2nd quarter  669  674 71  138  465  115 96  122 9 14 78 25 7
1st quarter  737  858 84  121  653  130  108  142 5 29  118  111 9
4th quarter  812  996  106  165  725  185  113  164 12 23  113  112 3
3rd quarter  736  965  121  183  661  167  141  110 26 15  119 81 2
2nd quarter  713  795 88  142  565  113  113  159 26 22 82 49 0
1st quarter  752 1 032 87  124  820  279  106  215 13 29  103 75 1
4th quarter  852  994 91  160  743  203  136  192 30 22 97 60 2
3rd quarter  838  985 94  197  694  163 97  198 24 33  114 64 1
2nd quarter  781  913 80  146  687  138 89  251 42 20 71 76 0
1st quarter  895 1 069 98  142  828  196  118  181 59 30  170 71 4
4th quarter  948 1 278  108  189  981  292  114  296 51 31  120 70 8
3rd quarter  834  948 90  153  705  164  100  226 13 17  120 61 4
2nd quarter  656  661 80  122  459  111 81  135 39 17 53 18 4
1st quarter  814 1 111 69  132  910  251  114  260 54 35  129 63 3
1  The figures have been revised 23 February 2006.
2  The figures have been revised 5 December 2005.

Explanation of symbols