Statistics Norway

Building statistics

2   Building activity in February. Preliminary figures
  Building work started Buildings under construction Buildings completed
  February January-February Per 28 February February January-February
Dwellings Number    2005 2 453 5 632 32 925 2 207 5 210
  " 2006 2 101 5 008 34 254 2 309 4 629
Utility floor space to dwellings 1 000 m2 2005  291.5  688.6 4 283.2  254.6  631.3
  " 2006  261.6  625.1 4 549.5  269.6  568.8
Other buildings. Utility floor space to other than in dwellings " 2005  334.4  756.1 4 573.4  318.1  829.7
    2006  438.5  832.3 5 128.6  326.9  640.6
Agriculture, hunting and forestry " 2005 26.8 76.6  450.4 29.4 95.3
  " 2006 39.8 70.4  500.1 31.9 71.5
Fishing " 2005 2.0 2.0 16.3 1.8 2.0
  " 2006 0.2 1.3 14.4 0.2 1.2
Mining and quarrying " 2005 0.1 10.5 17.1 - 1.2
  " 2006 0.5 0.9 17.1 1.4 1.4
Manufacturing " 2005 32.0 95.5  485.8 57.1  149.2
  " 2006 70.0  119.4  539.6 35.4 62.5
Electricity, gas and water supply " 2005 1.4 2.2 26.2 1.9 3.0
  " 2006 0.7 2.8 23.5 0.3 6.7
Construction " 2005 3.7 10.5  135.6 6.0 11.3
  " 2006 6.0 11.0  139.2 7.3 11.0
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods " 2005 77.1  160.0  591.4 37.3  118.4
  " 2006  101.6  164.7  795.2 53.7  116.6
Hotels and restaurants " 2005 9.6 15.5 60.1 2.0 5.3
  " 2006 6.4 14.3 98.1 2.8 4.7
Transport, storage and communication " 2005 13.5 29.3  152.0 16.7 18.4
  " 2006 3.2 41.4  145.7 2.5 7.5
Financial intermediation " 2005 - - 5.7 4.9 8.3
  " 2006 - 0.9 16.7 0.5 0.5
Real estate, renting and business estate activities " 2005 37.8 43.4  223.2 16.0 34.0
  " 2006 31.9 56.5  291.2 16.5 26.2
Public administration and defence compulsory social security " 2005 8.8 23.5  145.0 19.5 45.3
  " 2006 10.5 21.0  159.9 4.0 12.8
Education " 2005 16.3 41.8  479.7 7.5 41.2
  " 2006 22.8 41.7  437.3 25.5 50.7
Health and social work " 2005 16.0 37.5  410.9 32.5 69.5
  " 2006 43.6 76.1  410.8 37.3 56.1
Other community social and personal service activities " 2005 9.7 20.8  184.8 5.1 15.4
  " 2006 4.1 8.0  171.0 11.2 26.7
Other activities " 2005 3.1 3.1 30.9 0.1 0.9
  " 2006 0.2 0.3 9.2 0.3 1.4
Holiday property (cottages), private garages and other non-industrial activities " 2005 76.4  183.9 1 158.2 80.5  210.9
  " 2006 97.1  201.7 1 359.6 96.2  183.1
Dwellings and other buildings. Utility floor space, total " 2005  625.9 1 444.7 8 856.6  572.8 1 461.1
  " 2006  700.1 1 457.4 9 678.1  596.5 1 209.4

Explanation of symbols