Statistics Norway

Building statistics

5   Buildings completed in January-February, by county. Preliminary figures
  Number of dwellings Utility floor space in dwellings Utility floor space other than in dwellings Utility floor space, total
  2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006
      1 000 m2
Total 5 210 4 629  631.3  568.8  829.7  640.6 1 461.1 1 209.4
Østfold  232  282 26.4 33.8 39.6 22.5 66.0 56.2
Akershus  535  548 79.3 68.7 95.5 29.5  174.8 98.2
Oslo  787  210 80.3 21.0 44.2 10.7  124.5 31.7
Hedmark  132  241 19.8 31.4 41.6 49.1 61.4 80.4
Oppland  101  117 13.1 16.4 29.0 36.1 42.1 52.5
Buskerud  264  181 30.6 20.2 55.2 24.8 85.8 45.0
Vestfold  367  211 37.6 27.8 36.6 21.5 74.1 49.3
Telemark  181  163 19.8 18.2 34.1 41.6 53.8 59.9
Aust-Agder  118  196 16.4 23.4 56.1 42.9 72.4 66.3
Vest-Agder  127  234 17.5 28.8 17.2 15.8 34.7 44.6
Rogaland  524  582 71.3 73.8  118.1 85.6  189.5  159.4
Hordaland  740  372 91.6 52.4 87.1 49.0  178.8  101.4
Sogn og Fjordane 35 85 7.0 16.3 9.1 28.9 16.1 45.3
Møre og Romsdal  207  183 30.2 26.1 51.8 36.0 82.0 62.1
Sør-Trøndelag  550  435 51.5 40.5 50.4 68.9  101.8  109.4
Nord-Trøndelag 45  232 6.7 26.5 16.7 22.6 23.4 49.0
Nordland  134  182 15.5 22.7 29.1 28.8 44.6 51.5
Troms 79  160 9.8 19.3 14.4 23.7 24.2 43.0
Finnmark Finnmárku 52 15 7.0 1.6 4.1 2.6 11.1 4.2

Explanation of symbols