Statistics Norway

Building statistics

2   Building activity in June. Preliminary figures
  Building work started Buildings under construction Buildings completed
  June January-June Per 30. June June January-June
Dwellings Number 2006 2 980 15 899 35 511 2 387 14 014
  " 2007 2 709 16 482 38 939 2 530 14 665
Utility floor space to dwellings 1 000 m2 2006  350.9 1 892.3 4 707.5  263.0 1 600.1
  " 2007  340.5 2 032.8 5 143.9  299.0 1 808.3
Other buildings. Utility floor space to other than in dwellings " 2006  441.2 2 303.5 5 652.2  165.9 1 492.0
    2007  452.0 2 581.7 6 470.7  265.3 2 051.5
Agriculture and forestry " 2006 43.5  190.4  542.4 16.6  138.9
  " 2007 43.4  292.6  714.6 31.7  195.1
Fishing " 2006 0.3 2.2 12.9 - 2.7
  " 2007 0.2 5.1 21.7 0.2 2.8
Mining and quarrying " 2006 0.2 1.8 7.5 0.2 12.5
  " 2007 0.8 7.0 10.3 0.8 6.0
Manufacturing " 2006 32.2  293.8  555.2 34.3  201.0
  " 2007 67.5  315.5  704.1 40.0  237.6
Electricity, gas and water supply " 2006 1.1 5.5 21.4 1.0 10.2
  " 2007 2.3 9.3 25.7 0.3 5.5
Construction " 2006 3.9 21.7  141.6 0.7 16.4
  " 2007 17.9 50.1  194.4 5.6 26.0
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods " 2006 92.8  443.6  938.5 33.3  267.2
  " 2007 59.4  484.3 1 031.9 41.9  471.9
Hotels and restaurants " 2006 7.9 54.9  119.7 4.3 19.5
  " 2007 1.6 53.8 86.8 2.8 60.2
Transport, storage and communication " 2006 1.8 78.8  156.1 1.3 34.4
  " 2007 3.3 70.8  188.1 3.9 51.6
Financial intermediation " 2006 0.5 2.8 17.2 - 1.9
  " 2007 0.2 1.2 16.7 - 1.8
Real estate, renting and business activities " 2006 43.4  219.8  355.9 9.3 80.8
  " 2007 32.8  188.6  414.6 30.1  152.5
Public administration and defence compulsory social security " 2006 4.1 53.1  179.5 5.0 24.4
  " 2007 13.7 81.8  153.9 14.4 54.8
Education " 2006 68.4  195.1  535.6 7.7  105.0
  " 2007 50.6  181.1  467.2 20.1  146.5
Health and social work " 2006 24.6  120.8  410.2 1.2 91.9
  " 2007 12.7 71.9  434.7 2.4 41.8
Other community social and personal service activities " 2006 5.6 25.9  161.0 2.0 53.2
  " 2007 8.2 85.2  190.5 3.0 89.3
Other activities " 2006 0.3 0.9 9.0 0.3 2.0
  " 2007 0.1 0.2 11.6 0.4 5.4
Holiday property (cottages), private garages and other non-industrial activities " 2006  110.5  592.3 1 488.3 49.0  430.0
  " 2007  137.4  683.3 1 803.9 67.7  502.8
Dwellings and other buildings. Utility floor space, total " 2006  792.1 4 195.8 10 359.7  428.9 3 092.1
  " 2007  792.5 4 614.5 11 614.6  564.3 3 859.8

Explanation of symbols