Statistics Norway

Building statistics

3   Building work started in January-June, by county. Preliminary figures
  Number of dwellings Utility floor space in dwellings Utility floor space other than in dwellings Utility floor space, total
  2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007
      1 000 m2
Total 15 899 16 482 1 892.3 2 032.8 2 303.5 2 581.7 4 195.8 4 614.5
Østfold  759  789 99.1 86.2  163.1  136.7  262.2  222.9
Akershus 1 647 2 669  180.7  314.0  210.7  205.7  391.4  519.7
Oslo 3 301 1 846  295.3  172.9  303.8  200.1  599.0  373.0
Hedmark  387  602 52.8 88.4 91.6  107.8  144.4  196.2
Oppland  266  616 40.5 83.4  114.4  121.8  154.9  205.1
Buskerud  930  784  113.3 97.3  119.7  137.2  233.0  234.5
Vestfold  480  655 64.3 85.4 65.1  130.4  129.4  215.8
Telemark  313  369 39.8 51.9 81.7  102.5  121.5  154.3
Aust-Agder  346  259 40.8 31.6 50.1 53.7 90.9 85.2
Vest-Agder  612  658 80.4 79.3  113.3  178.9  193.6  258.2
Rogaland 2 072 1 952  262.4  271.8  225.3  305.6  487.7  577.4
Hordaland 1 571 1 980  209.5  250.8  247.5  281.5  457.0  532.2
Sogn og Fjordane  226  197 35.8 35.9 55.0 63.8 90.8 99.7
Møre og Romsdal  641  798 91.9  105.4  127.8  127.6  219.7  233.0
Sør-Trøndelag 1 118  862  140.5  100.9  171.2  135.9  311.8  236.8
Nord-Trøndelag  257  274 34.0 35.6 43.3 80.1 77.4  115.6
Nordland  196  449 25.7 54.1 59.8  126.2 85.5  180.3
Troms Romsa  710  571 76.2 69.5 52.2 66.0  128.4  135.5
Finnmark Finnmárku 67  152 9.2 18.5 7.9 20.4 17.1 38.9

Explanation of symbols