Statistics Norway

Building statistics

1 Building work started. Dwellings and utility floor space, by type of building. 2007
Type of building Dwelling units Single rooms Utility floor space in dwellings Utility floor space in other buildings
  Number 1 000 m2
Total 31 223 1 297 4 025 6 024
Residential building, total 30 626 1 267 3 967 59
Detached house 8 181  158 1 657 0
House with two dwellings 2 827 18  363 0
Rowhouse, linked house and house with 3 or 4 dwellings 4 515 39  494 0
Multi-dwelling building 14 536  968 1 415 51
Residence for communities  567 84 38 7
Non-residential building, holiday house, residential garage etc., total  597 30 58 5 964
Holiday house, residential garage etc., total 8 - 3 1 441
Non-residential building, total  589 30 55 4 523
Industial building and warehouses 9 3 1 1 198
Agricultural and fishery building 5 - 1  628
Office and business building  481 3 45 1 279
Transport and communication building - - -  434
Hotel and restaurant building 11 - 1  177
Building used for education, public entertainment and religious activities 40 - 3  653
Hospital and institutional care building 42 22 4  131
Prisons, building for emergency preparedness etc. 1 2 0 24

Explanation of symbols