Statistics Norway

Building statistics

5 Buildings completed in January-February, by county. Preliminary figures
  Number of dwellings Utility floor space in dwellings Utility floor space other than in dwellings Utility floor space, total
  2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008
      1 000 m2
Total 5 769 5 003  700.0  632.1  868.2  860.9 1 568.1 1 493.0
Østfold  165  246 22.9 27.0 58.0 34.1 80.9 61.1
Akershus  962  745  108.2 92.4 65.6 54.7  173.8  147.1
Oslo  822  745 61.2 65.2 88.8  111.5  150.0  176.7
Hedmark  323 63 51.0 11.8 66.8 29.5  117.8 41.3
Oppland  305  122 36.7 19.3 51.2 59.4 87.9 78.6
Buskerud  243  175 26.3 23.4 33.9 36.8 60.2 60.1
Vestfold  122  182 17.3 26.5 34.4 32.8 51.7 59.3
Telemark 79  124 10.4 19.0 22.7 37.1 33.2 56.1
Aust-Agder  116  143 15.2 17.6 28.1 20.5 43.2 38.1
Vest-Agder  230  195 30.3 29.1 35.8 24.1 66.1 53.2
Rogaland  705  530 97.5 71.9 84.7 65.2  182.1  137.1
Hordaland  468  706 61.4 89.5 64.3  112.7  125.8  202.2
Sogn og Fjordane 49  112 10.7 15.0 16.2 12.1 26.9 27.1
Møre og Romsdal  179  181 26.0 23.3 51.4 40.2 77.5 63.5
Sør-Trøndelag  440  212 58.2 25.6 60.3 63.3  118.4 89.0
Nord-Trøndelag 35  164 5.3 28.4 13.1 57.2 18.4 85.6
Nordland  199 97 23.1 13.2 52.9 24.3 76.0 37.5
Troms Romsa  139  177 16.7 22.4 24.2 20.0 40.9 42.4
Finnmark Finnmárku  188 84 21.5 11.6 15.8 25.5 37.4 37.1

Explanation of symbols