Statistics Norway

Building statistics

8 Buildings permits in February. Preliminary figures. Breakdown according to Eurostat classifications
  February January-February
Dwellings Number     2007 2 993 6 755
  " 2008 2 021 4 818
Detached houses, semi-detached or terrached houses excl. holiday house " 2007  936 1 949
  " 2008  966 1 839
Two- and more dwelling buildings excl. workmens hut " 2007 1 981 4 600
  " 2008 1 001 2 802
Dwellings 1 000 m2 2007  375.9  833.4
  " 2008  279.6  635.7
Detached houses, semi-detached or terraced houses " 2007  211.6  454.1
  " 2008  224.6  465.0
Two- and more dwelling buildings " 2007  211.8  482.2
  " 2008  111.7  299.3
Residences for communities " 2007 0.9 4.3
  " 2008 1.6 3.6
Office buildings " 2007 58.9  160.4
  " 2008 47.6  124.1
All buildings excl. residential buildings, holiday houses and offices " 2007  381.4  875.0
  " 2008  378.9  822.4

Explanation of symbols