Statistics Norway

Direct investments, return

1 Return on direct investment in Norway 2004-2006. NOK million
  2004 2005 2006
Total 52 633 80 094 95 129
Type of return      
Utbetalt utbytte 32 290 45 122 66 536
Reinvestert fortjeneste 14 060 27 691 18 502
Netto renteinntekter 6 283 7 281 10 091
Geographical distribution      
EU-countries 32 451 55 792 63 698
Denmark 5 598 9 428 15 089
UK 7 161 6 696 7 473
Germany  792 1 234 1 155
Netherlands 1 995 16 896 10 247
Sweden 7 309 10 523 17 073
Finland  543  788  948
France 7 374 9 194 9 967
Other EU-countries 1 679 1 033 1 746
Switzerland 1 233 1 507 1 454
USA 16 968 20 167 25 282
Japan  477  530  511
Other countries 1 504 2 098 4 184
OECD-countries 51 455 78 126 90 367
Sectorial distribution      
Mining and quarrying 28 572 40 350 45 347
Manufacturing 4 799 9 057 9 590
Construction  469  655  461
Wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants 6 016 17 882 8 052
Transport and communication 1 125 7 033 11 085
Financial intermediation and insurance, real estate and commercial services 11 367 4 654 19 571
Other industries  285  463 1 023

Explanation of symbols