Statistics Norway

18   Deaths from accidents, by place of occurence and activity.1 2004 (New 21 June 2006)
Place of occurence Accidents, total Activity
Work of income Education, military and sivil service Sports activity Other activity Unknown activity
Total 1 934 28 - 3  397 1 506
Home  559 6 - - 10  543
Traffic accidents  277 3 - -  261 13
Other accident on street (non-traffic) 7 - - - 5 2
Nursery school, kindergarten - - - - - -
School - - - - - -
Hospital, nursing and care institutions 72 - - - 2 70
Sports area - - - - - -
Outdoor, forest, lake, sea  256 2 - 3  113  138
Other places 88 13 - - 5 70
Unknown place  675 4 - - 1  670
1  ICD-10 codes V01- X59. Place of occurence- and acitvity codes used in Norway, ref. pages 988 -998 in Norwegian version of ICD-10. Norwegian Board of Health, 1998.

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