Degrees from universities and colleges

2   Graduates, by gender and fields of education. Preliminary figures. 1996/97, 2000/01 and 2001/02
Fields of education Total Males Females
1996/1997 2000/2001 2001/2002 1996/1997 2000/2001 2001/2002 1996/1997 2000/2001 2001/2002
Total 30 026 31 108 29 344 12 842 12 703 11 688 17 184 18 405 17 656
Arts and aesthetic subjects 2 949 2 165 2 256 1 033  759  804 1 916 1 406 1 452
Education and teacher training 4 542 5 893 5 517  937 1 392 1 290 3 605 4 501 4 227
Social sciences and law 2 983 2 929 2 594 1 287 1 232 1 114 1 696 1 697 1 480
Commercial and business subjects 6 181 5 366 4 885 3 396 2 857 2 543 2 785 2 509 2 342
Natural sciences, trade and industrial programmes 5 938 5 793 5 095 4 385 4 197 3 643 1 553 1 596 1 452
Health, social and physical education 6 193 7 234 7 299 1 108 1 279 1 232 5 085 5 955 6 067
Agricultural, forestry and fishery programmes  275  267  185  182  146  117 93  121 68
Transport and communication programmes  433  846  940  307  674  763  126  172  177
Other areas of study  532  615  573  207  167  182  325  448  391

Explanation of symbols