Statistics Norway

Degrees from universities and colleges

2   Graduates, by gender and fields of education. Preliminary figures. 1997/98, 2001/02-2002/03
Fields of education Total Males Females
1997/1998 2001/2002 2002/2003 1997/1998 2001/2002 2002/2003 1997/1998 2001/2002 2002/2003
Total 29 871 29 344 29 376 12 558 11 688 11 653 17 313 17 656 17 723
Arts and aesthetic subjects 2 686 2 256 2 352  927  804  863 1 759 1 452 1 489
Education and teacher training 6 062 5 517 5 007 1 545 1 290 1 201 4 517 4 227 3 806
Social sciences and law 2 797 2 594 2 898 1 206 1 114 1 148 1 591 1 480 1 750
Commercial and business subjects 5 839 4 885 4 383 3 153 2 543 2 127 2 686 2 342 2 256
Natural sciences, trade and industrial programmes 5 232 5 095 5 091 3 860 3 643 3 704 1 372 1 452 1 387
Health, social and physical education 6 134 7 299 7 474 1 221 1 232 1 273 4 913 6 067 6 201
Agricultural, forestry and fishery programmes  318  185  176  185  117  122  133 68 54
Transport and communication programmes  388  940  972  297  763  807 91  177  165
Other areas of study  415  573 1 023  164  182  408  251  391  615

Explanation of symbols