Statistics Norway

Degrees from universities and colleges

1   Graduates1, by level of degree, type of institution and gender. Final figures. 1994/95, 2003/04, 2004/05
Level and degree, type of institution 1994/95 2003/04 2004/05
Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women
Total 26 158 12 038 14 120 31 404 12 292 19 112 31 323 11 756 19 567
Universities 8 840 4 520 4 320 9 620 4 720 4 900 9 756 4 437 5 319
State colleges 12 493 4 861 7 632 17 073 5 565 11 508 17 225 5 572 11 653
Military colleges  391  372 19  221  211 10 83 77 6
Other colleges2 4 434 2 285 2 149 4 490 1 796 2 694 4 259 1 670 2 589
Tertiary education, 4 years or less 19 835 8 372 11 463 23 799 8 237 15 562 23 475 7 960 15 515
Universities 3 517 1 616 1 901 3 359 1 431 1 928 3 357 1 444 1 913
State colleges 12 011 4 510 7 501 16 362 5 164 11 198 16 467 5 149 11 318
Military colleges  138  130 8  175  168 7 67 63 4
Other colleges2 4 169 2 116 2 053 3 903 1 474 2 429 3 584 1 304 2 280
Tertiary education, more than 4 years 6 323 3 666 2 657 7 605 4 055 3 550 7 848 3 796 4 052
Universities 5 323 2 904 2 419 6 254 3 289 2 972 6 399 2 993 3 406
State colleges  482  351  131  711  401  310  758  423  335
Military colleges  253  242 11 46 43 3 16 14 2
Other colleges2  265  169 96  587  322  265  675  366  309
1  Graduates of degrees lasting 2 years or more. Doctoral degrees are not included.
2  Includes Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Norwegian Police University College and private colleges.

Explanation of symbols