Statistics Norway

Degrees from universities and colleges

2 Graduations in tertiary education in Norway, by sex, level of degree and field of education. 2000/01, 2009/10 and 2010/11
Field of education 2000/01 2009/10 2010/11
Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women
Total 32 015 13 231 18 784 38 004 14 873 23 131 40 568 15 825 24 743
Tertiary education, short and medium1 23 997 8 917 15 080 25 986 9 274 16 712 27 224 9 698 17 526
Humanities and Arts 1 204  388  816 2 255  832 1 423 2 194  828 1 366
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 5 637 1 329 4 308 5 956 1 581 4 375 6 144 1 570 4 574
Social Sciences and Law 1 046  400  646 2 444  906 1 538 2 545  861 1 684
Business and Administration 4 865 2 505 2 360 4 309 1 955 2 354 4 691 2 089 2 602
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects 3 550 2 644  906 3 297 2 334  963 3 457 2 546  911
Health, Welfare and Sport 6 205  812 5 393 6 843 1 089 5 754 7 122 1 114 6 008
Primary Industries 93 59 34  116 59 57  111 61 50
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and Other Services  781  613  168  709  490  219  792  551  241
Unspecified Field of Education  616  167  449 57 28 29  168 78 90
Tertiary education, long2 7 250 3 810 3 440 10 816 4 935 5 881 12 046 5 425 6 621
Humanities and Arts  964  371  593 1 303  515  788 1 429  543  886
Teacher Training and Pedagogy  256 63  193  734  142  592  831  199  632
Social Sciences and Law 1 890  834 1 056 2 242  910 1 332 2 447  935 1 512
Business and Administration  503  353  150 2 008 1 114  894 2 206 1 178 1 028
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects 2 248 1 554  694 2 630 1 678  952 3 065 1 963 1 102
Health, Welfare and Sport 1 151  488  663 1 734  491 1 243 1 865  491 1 374
Primary Industries  174 87 87 95 39 56  107 51 56
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and Other Services 64 60 4 70 46 24 96 65 31
Unspecified Field of Education - - - - - - - - -
Second stage of tertiary education3  768  504  264 1 202  664  538 1 298  702  596
Humanities and Arts 79 42 37 85 43 42 96 50 46
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 22 10 12 1 1 - 12 4 8
Social Sciences and Law 80 44 36 87 50 37  120 56 64
Business and Administration 16 14 2 22 14 8 30 18 12
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects  332  249 83  444  301  143  568  373  195
Health, Welfare and Sport  186  110 76  471  207  264  419  179  240
Primary Industries 53 35 18 - - - 1 1 -
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and Other Services - - - - - - 1 1 -
Unspecified Field of Education - - - 92 48 44 51 20 31
1  Including graduations from programmes 4 years or less but also 2 years or longer.
2  Including graduations from programmes longer than 4 years.
3  Doctoral degrees.

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