Divorces and separations

4   Divorces, by duration of marriage. 1971-20011
Duration of marriage. Year Annual average
1971-1975 1976-1980 1981-1985 1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Divorces, total 4 630 6 283 7 630 8 812 10 411 9 608 9 813 9 213 9 124 10 053 10 308
  0- 2  330  366  348  436  495  715  698  691  746  789  856
 3- 4  747  873  911 1 063 1 153 1 101 1 048 1 007 1 110 1 315 1 324
 5- 9 1 416 1 915 2 041 2 281 2 610 2 290 2 353 2 241 2 090 2 383 2 528
10-14  784 1 223 1 546 1 623 1 810 1 501 1 479 1 431 1 421 1 624 1 689
15-19  537  800 1 180 1 387 1 564 1 237 1 299 1 223 1 127 1 263 1 213
20-24  400  571  809  993 1 383 1 138 1 189 1 132 1 037 1 080 1 091
25-   416  534  794 1 021 1 324 1 470 1 530 1 434 1 523 1 514 1 507
Unknown - - 1 9 71  155  217 54 70 85  100
1  For the period 1971-1985 the figure refers to divorces where at least one of the spouses was resident in Norway. After 1986 the figure refers to divorces where the husband was a resident of Norway at the time of divorce.

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