Statistics Norway

Electricity statistics, monthly

1 Electricity balance. Monthly. GWh
  Twelve-month periods January-January January
  February 2007-January 2008 February 2008-January 2009 Change in per cent 2008 2009 Change in per cent 2008 2009 Change in per cent
Total production  138 778  142 867 2,9        13 645        13 845 1,5        13 645        13 845 1,5
Hydro power  136 324  140 770 3.3 13 418 13 666 1.9 13 418 13 666 1.9
Thermal power 1 545 1 145 -25.9  134 51 -62.0  134 51 -62.0
Wind power  908  952 4.8 94  129 36.8 94  129 36.8
Import 4 724 3 472 -26.5  486  544 11.9  486  544 11.9
Export 15 578 17 501 12.3  966 1 176 21.8  966 1 176 21.8
Gross domestic consumption  127 924  128 838 0.7 13 166 13 213 0.4 13 166 13 213 0.4
Pump storage use and other own consumption 2 176 1 994 -8.4 60 62 4.4 60 62 4.4
Calculated net loss 10 465 10 655 1.8 1 073 1 109 3.3 1 073 1 109 3.3
Net consumption of electricity  115 283  116 190 0.8 12 033 12 042 0.1 12 033 12 042 0.1
Total consumption in power-intensive manufacturing 33 614 33 753 0.4 2 910 2 643 -9.2 2 910 2 643 -9.2
Non-priority consumption in power intensive manufacturing 2 250 1 906 -15.3  133  169 26.5  133  169 26.5
Priority power in power intensive manufacturing 31 364 31 846 1.5 2 777 2 475 -10.9 2 777 2 475 -10.9
Production of chemical commodity 5 174 5 210 0.7  453  458 1.1  453  458 1.1
Production of iron, steel and ferroalloy 5 094 4 419 -13.2  443  262 -40.8  443  262 -40.8
Production of aluminium and other metals 21 097 22 217 5.3 1 881 1 755 -6.7 1 881 1 755 -6.7
Consumption without power-intensive manufacturing 81 669 82 437 0.9 9 123 9 399 3.0 9 123 9 399 3.0

Explanation of symbols