Statistics Norway

Electricity statistics, monthly

1 Electricity balance. Monthly. GWh
  Twelve-month periods January-August August
  September 2010-
August 2011
SEptember 2011-
August 2012
Change in
per cent
2011 2012 Change in
per cent
2011 2012 Change in
per cent
Total production  125 930  146 517 16.3 79 444 97 816 23.1 10 495 11 067 5.4
Hydro power  119 646  141 709 18.4 75 065 94 694 26.1 10 125 10 685 5.5
Thermal power 5 161 3 360 -34.9 3 620 2 208 -39.0  312  308 -1.4
Wind power 1 123 1 449 29.0  759  914 20.5 57 74 29.1
Import 13 659 3 399 -75.1 9 636 1 780 -81.5  140 44 -68.3
Export 10 497 23 324  122.2 7 090 16 085  126.9 2 288 2 554 11.6
Gross domestic consumption  129 092  126 592 -1.9 81 990 83 511 1.9 8 346 8 557 2.5
Pump storage use and other own consumption 1 862 2 413 29.6 1 594 1 597 0.2  116  231 99.8
Calculated net loss 10 426 11 006 5.6 6 578 7 292 10.9  741  771 4.2
Net consumption of electricity  116 804  113 173 -3.1 73 818 74 623 1.1 7 490 7 555 0.9
Consumption in extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 5 171 6 097 17.9 3 408 4 098 20.2  456  467 2.3
Total consumption in power-intensive manufacturing. 34 830 34 470 -1.0 23 078 22 897 -0.8 2 930 2 913 -0.6
Non-priority consumption 1 529 1 746 14.2 1 110 1 248 12.5  155  180 16.3
Priority power 33 301 32 725 -1.7 21 968 21 649 -1.5 2 775 2 733 -1.5
consumption in pulp and paper production 4 099 3 652 -10.9 2 538 2 307 -9.1  345  282 -18.4
Production of chemical commodity 6 371 5 906 -7.3 4 126 3 953 -4.2  460  507 10.2
Production of iron, steel and ferroalloy 4 266 4 474 4.9 2 915 2 956 1.4  383  375 -2.0
Production of aluminium and other metals 18 565 18 693 0.7 12 390 12 433 0.4 1 588 1 569 -1.2
Consumption without power-intensive manufacturing and extraction 76 804 72 605 -5.5 47 332 47 628 0.6 4 104 4 175 1.7

Explanation of symbols