Statistics Norway

Electricity statistics, annual

30   Number of utilities and generators, persons engaged and staff-years, by type of utility and activity. 2000 and 2001
  2000 Total Production plants Wholesale plants Distribution plants Low- integrated plants High- integrated plants Grid companies Industrial generators Other plants
Number of utilities 332 308 83 36 43 29 39 42 16 20
Number of persons employed 15 340 14 544 2 496 734 1 122 1 055 2 951 5 751 108 326
Joint activity 2605 2 038  234 39  137  275  475  873 5 -
Sales 976 1 044 115 448 182 35 107 2 - 155
Production 2 849 2 725 2 003 2 1 49 558 - 102 11
Central and regional grid services 1 066 1 187 73 4 25 38 100 948 - 0
Retail grid services 5 469 5 549 46 161 629 561 1 188 2 965 1 -
Other activities 2 375 2 001 25 81 149 99 523 964 - 159
Number of staff-years 14 637 13 913 2 346 703 1 072 1 007 2 756 5 605 103 321
Joint activity 2423 1 930  213 39  122  268  438  848 2 -
Sales 948 999 109 428 171 34 103 1 - 153
Production 2 666 2 584 1 895 2 0 46 531 - 100 11
Central and regional grid services 1 027 1 146 66 4 23 37 97 920 - 0
Retail grid services 5 252 5 325 40 153 610 529 1 094 2 899 1 -
Other activities 2 321 1 928 23 79 145 93 494 938 - 157
More information: Division for External Trade, Energy and Industrial Production Statistics.

Explanation of symbols