Statistics Norway

4 Energy balance sheet for Norway. 2010. Petajoule3 (Corrected 4 May 2012)
  Total Coal Coke Fuel wood, black liquor, waste Crude oil Petroleum products2 Natural gas and other gases Waterfall- and wind energy Electricity District heating
1.1.1 Production of primary energy products1 8 695.6 54.4 - 62.5 3 749.3  493.2 3 908.4  427.8 - -
Production of natural gas that are flared off 17.9 - - - - - 17.9 - - -
2. Imports  337.3 19.2 12.4 1.6 63.8  187.5 - - 52.8 -
3. Exports 7 662.5 46.3 0.1 0.2 3 223.2  710.5 3 656.4 - 25.6 -
4.1 Bunkering, international shipping 18.4 - - - - 18.4 - - - -
4.2 Foreign aviation 18.0 - - - - 18.0 - - - -
5. Changes in stocks (+ net decrease, - net increase) 14.1 -4.3 -0.1 - 6.4 12.1 - - - -
7. Net domestic supply (1.1.1+1.1.2+2-3-4.1-4.2+5) 1 365.9 23.0 12.1 63.9  596.2 -54.3  252.0  427.8 27.2 -
8. Energy converted 1 112.7 0.7 3.1 15.4  504.5  130.0 28.1  427.8 3.0 0.0
1.2. Production of derived energy products 1 134.1 - - - -  621.4 44.7 -  448.0 20.0
9. Consumption by energy sector  237.3 - - - - 9.4  199.5 - 28.2 0.3
10. Losses in transport and distribution 44.5 - - - - - 4.7 - 36.0 3.7
11. Statistical differences (7-8+1.2-9-10-12.1)  217.0 3.6 1.0 - 91.7 85.7 35.0 - 0.0 0.0
12.1 Net domestic consumption including non-energy use  888.5 18.6 8.0 48.5 -  342.1 47.3 -  407.9 16.1
12.2 Net domestic consumption, excl. Non-energy use  806.8 16.4 8.0 48.5 -  282.0 27.9 -  407.9 16.1
13. Manufacturing, mining and quarrying  249.6 16.4 8.0 17.3 - 26.9 23.1 -  156.2 1.7
13.3. Manufacture of industrial chemicals 57.3 5.9 2.3 1.1 - 4.9 16.0 - 26.5 0.5
Production of metals  102.5 7.1 5.2 0.1 - 2.0 4.4 - 83.5 0.0
13.3. Manufacture of paper and paper products 34.0 - - 11.7 - 4.6 0.0 - 17.7 0.0
13.4. Mining and quarrying and other industries 55.8 3.4 0.5 4.4 - 15.3 2.6 - 28.4 1.1
14. Transport  205.5 - - - -  200.8 2.3 - 2.5 -
15. Other sectors  351.7 0.0 0.0 31.2 - 54.3 2.5 -  249.2 14.4
16. Consumption for non-energy purposes 81.7 2.2 - - - 60.1 19.4 - - -
1  Excl produced natural gas that is flared off on oil fields and terminals(point 1.1.2).
2  Incl. petroleum coke and LPG.
3  Some of the figures in the energy balance has been changed since the previous publishing in December 2011.

Explanation of symbols