Statistics Norway

Energy use, service industries

2 Heat equipment in buildings in service industries1. Preliminary figures 2008
  Heat equipment
  Central heating District heating Heat pumpe Local heat equipment
Share of total buildings in the survey Prosent
300-8002 Service industries in total3 50 15 10 71
311-319 Office buildings 58 28 12 67
321-390 Business buildings(department stores 26 11 14 77
411-449 Terminal buildings 42 10 10 80
511-539 Hotel and restaurants 42 13 18 80
612-619 Schools and kindergarten 46 10 7 66
621-629 University 70 47 5 40
641-649 og 661-669 Cultural centre 35 15 11 79
651-659 Sport centre 44 13 10 52
671-679 Religious buildings 10 3 4 90
719 og 731-739 Hospitals 82 15 10 33
721-729 Nursing home 64 11 12 55
819-840 Jailhouse and emergency buildings 33 7 13 65
1  Service industries include both privat and public sectors.
2  Published data are based on classification and buildings from the national register of buildings in Norway.
3  Includes only buildings in the survey.

Explanation of symbols