Family statistics

1   Families, by type of family. 1960-2001
  Total Married couples1 Cohabitant couples with children2
  Without children who live at home With children who live at home
1.11.19603 821 740 228 902 592 838 ..
1.11.19703 907 626 284 059 623 567 ..
31.12.1974 932 494 300 400 632 094 ..
1.7.1977 938 033 304 997 633 036 ..
1.7.1980 933 494 308 288 625 206 ..
1.7.1982 930 834 313 043 617 791 ..
1.7.1984 921 321 313 779 607 542 ..
1.1.1987 935 513 310 812 597 934 26 767
1.1.1989 921 696 313 984 571 396 36 316
1.1.1991 918 606 316 521 553 746 48 339
1.1.1993 915 073 318 097 536 034 60 942
1.1.1995 917 633 321 128 522 446 74 059
1.1.1997 924 234 329 483 512 823 81 928
1.1.1999 928 971 337 468 500 529 90 974
1.1.2000 931 537 340 821 496 379 94 337
1.1.20014 930 805 344 512 491 770 94 523
The figure for married couples includes registered partnerships, per 1 January 2001 a total of 844 partnerships. 41 of them are registered with children. Figures from population census.
2  Cohabitant couples with at least one child in common and living on the same address; included in all family statistics from 1 January 1993.
4  Legally separated couples with common children and living on the same address have previously been registered as cohabitant couples. From 1 January 2001 they are excluded from this category.

Explanation of symbols