Family statistics

2   Families, by type of family. Children under 18 years of age. 1974-2003
  Total Married couples1 Cohabitant couples with children2
  Without children who live at home With children who live at home
31.12.1974  932 494  381 635  550 859 ..
1.7.1977  938 033  390 357  547 676 ..
1.1.1979  938 367  396 721  541 646 ..
1.7.1980  933 494  397 560  535 934 ..
1.7.1982  930 834  403 426  527 408 ..
1.7.1984  921 321  406 925  514 396 ..
1.1.1987  898 760  411 302  487 458 ..
1.1.19893  885 395  419 060  466 335 ..
1.1.19893  920 598  459 253  426 127 35 218
1.1.1991  917 351  466 157  404 110 47 084
1.1.1993  913 692  471 270  382 861 59 561
1.1.1995  916 042  473 354  370 220 72 468
1.1.1997  923 005  476 747  365 559 80 699
1.1.1999  927 504  479 216  358 781 89 507
1.1.2000  929 892  480 287  356 913 92 692
1.1.20014  928 879  482 031  354 251 92 597
1.1.2002  928 863  482 221  350 805 95 837
1.1.2003  929 934  483 071  348 815 98 048
1  Registered partnerships are included.
2  Cohabitant couples with at least one child in common and living on the same address.
3  Up until 1989 the age limit was 20 years for children. Since then the age limit has been 18. For 1989 figures are given for both age limits.
4  Legally separated couples with common children and living on the same address have previously been registered as cohabitant couples. From 1 January 2001 they are excluded from this category.

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