Statistics Norway

1   Population by, sex, age and type of household. 1 January 2006 (Corrected 14 May 2007)
  Total Males Females
  Total 0-15 years 16-29 years 30-66 years 67 years and more Total 0-15 years 16-29 years 30-66 years 67 years and more
Total 4 640 219 2 301 981  497 305  405 291 1 147 917  251 468 2 338 238  472 960  393 249 1 117 287  354 742
Private households, total 4 604 301 2 289 806  497 069  404 473 1 143 740  244 525 2 314 495  472 755  392 744 1 115 663  333 332
One-family households, total 4 385 146 2 180 541  477 685  377 292 1 091 601  233 962 2 204 605  454 397  365 148 1 067 512  317 547
Living alone  784 230  380 757 21 474 79 287  237 660 62 335  403 473 1 218 60 292  163 269  178 693
Couple1 without resident children  862 811  431 767 . 32 547  243 946  155 273  431 044 . 46 274  263 352  121 417
Couple1 with small children (youngest child 0-5 years)  885 225  448 448  222 502 36 076  189 822 48  436 777  211 768 61 088  163 921 1
Couple1 with older children (youngest child 6-17 years) 1 010 996  516 834  177 725 97 773  240 716  621  494 162  169 317 85 003  239 838 4
Lone parent with small children (youngest child 0-5 years) 86 774 30 294 26 770 1 469 2 052 3 56 480 25 616 13 232 17 632 -
Lone parent with older children (youngest child 6-17 years)  221 910 89 080 49 214 22 093 17 737 36  132 830 46 478 21 745 64 607 -
One-family households with adult children (youngest child 18 years and over)  533 200  283 361 .  108 047  159 668 15 646  249 839 . 77 514  154 893 17 432
Two or more-familiy households, total  219 155  109 265 19 384 27 181 52 139 10 563  109 890 18 358 27 596 48 151 15 785
Two or more-familiy households without resident children 0-17 years  105 688 55 824 1 301 16 239 30 514 7 770 49 864 1 215 12 942 23 861 11 846
Two or more-familiy households with small children (youngest child 0-5 years) 67 076 31 354 11 411 5 850 12 748 1 346 35 722 11 016 9 845 13 266 1 596
Two or more-familiy households with older children (youngest child 6-17 years) 46 391 22 087 6 672 5 092 8 877 1 447 24 304 6 127 4 809 11 024 2 343
Other households 35 919 12 175  239  816 4 178 6 942 23 744  205  505 1 624 21 410
1  Married couples, cohabiting couples and registered partners.
2  Most of these persons are probably wrongly classified due to errors in input data. Some may be persons 0-15 years living with adults other than their parents. These should be classified as belonging to "Two or more-family households". Others may be persons living in orphan homes that should be classified as belonging to "Other households".

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