Statistics Norway

12   Couples and persons in couples with and without children in private households, by cohabitation arrangements, number of children in the family and age. 1 January 2006 (Corrected 14 May 2007)
  Total Married couples1 Cohabiting couples
  Total Without children2 with children2 Total Without children2 with children2
Total 1 053 432  830 600  486 016  344 584  222 832 91 529  131 303
Number of children in the family              
0  577 545  486 016  486 016 . 91 529 91 529 .
1  175 136  115 610 .  115 610 59 526 . 59 526
2  203 784  149 043 .  149 043 54 741 . 54 741
3 79 634 65 129 . 65 129 14 505 . 14 505
4 or more 17 333 14 803 . 14 803 2 530 . 2 530
Persons in couples, total 2 106 639 1 661 059  971 963  689 096  445 580  183 010  262 570
29 years and younger  176 926 68 171 23 812 44 359  108 756 58 367 50 389
30-44 years  712 346  488 395 49 917  438 478  223 950 48 343  175 607
45-66 years  910 765  806 785  601 137  205 648  103 980 67 491 36 489
67-79 years  240 654  233 104  232 511  593 7 550 7 468 82
80 years and older 65 947 64 605 64 587 18 1 342 1 340 2
1  Registered partners included.
2  In this table children (unmarried resident) 18 years and older are not included in the grouping of couples. Couples with children aged at least 18 years, are counted as couples without children.

Explanation of symbols