Statistics Norway

Families and households

11 Persons in private households, by sex, cohabitation arrangements and age. 1 January 2009
Age Total Males Females
Total In couples Not in couples Total In couples Not in couples
Married1 Cohabitants Married1 Cohabitants
Total 4 762 260       2 382 326        836 687        245 255       1 300 384       2 379 934        836 422        245 332       1 298 180
 0- 5 years  357 307  182 877 . .  182 877  174 430 . .  174 430
 6-17 years  745 274  382 218 . 3  382 215  363 056 3 27  363 026
18-29 years  724 269  368 881 21 977 48 841  298 063  355 388 44 168 70 369  240 851
30-44 years 1 039 346  531 752  222 526  120 655  188 571  507 594  255 344  113 118  139 133
45-66 years 1 308 498  663 627  418 112 68 749  176 767  644 871  403 620 56 844  184 407
67-79 years  391 469  181 261  131 115 6 001 44 145  210 208  108 974 4 233 97 001
80 years and older  196 097 71 710 42 957 1 007 27 746  124 387 24 314  740 99 333
1  Registered partners included.

Explanation of symbols