Statistics Norway

Families and households

11 Persons in private households, by sex, cohabitation arrangements and age. 1 January 2010
Age Total Males Females
Total In couples Not in couples Total In couples Not in couples
Married1 Cohabitants Married1 Cohabitants
I alt 4 821 839 2 413 790  840 940  254 537 1 318 313 2 408 049  840 774  254 558 1 312 717
 0- 5 years  363 449  186 322 . .  186 322  177 127 . .  177 127
 6-17 years  744 784  381 972 . 4  381 968  362 812 5 22  362 785
18-29 years  742 120  377 723 22 450 50 721  304 552  364 397 44 488 72 542  247 367
30-44 years 1 041 265  532 359  220 636  122 699  189 023  508 906  254 115  115 484  139 307
45-66 years 1 333 129  676 637  419 822 73 330  183 485  656 492  405 694 60 960  189 838
67-79 years  399 872  186 093  134 415 6 671 45 008  213 779  111 859 4 744 97 176
80 years and older  197 220 72 684 43 617 1 111 27 956  124 536 24 613  807 99 117
1  Registered partners included.

Explanation of symbols