Statistics Norway

Family counselling service

13   Figures for national family counselling service. Figures for 2003 and 2004
  2004 20031
  Total Region North Region Middle Region West Region South Region East Total Region Nord Region Midt-Norge Region Vest Region Sør Region Øst
Population, total 4 606 363   462 640   645 700   948 479   895 388   1 654 156   4 577 457   462 895   642 809   941 129   891 436   1 639 188
Gross operating expenditures, family counselling services1  238 248 30 585 27 800 43 027 44 527 92 309 . .. .. .. .. ..
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, public owned family counselling offices  128 977 22 490 10 614 17 422 14 178 64 273 . .. .. .. .. ..
Wage expenditures, public owned family counselling offices 95 206 16 202 7 971 13 685 10 516 46 832 . .. .. .. .. ..
Family counselling services cases 28 451 3 703 3 638 4 384 5 967 10 759 26 800 3 503 3 171 4 156 5 775 10 195
Family counselling services cases, public owned family counselling offices 15 485 2 870 1 100 1 550 2 113 7 852 13 937 2 661  970 1 473 2 001 6 832
Average waiting time per cases, all cases, family counselling services 28.5 17.5 34.9 37.9 25.3 28.0 . 16.1 39.0 41.2 26.2 25.0
Average duration per family counselling case (days)  119.0 92.8  145.1  133.2  115.2  117.4 . 94.6  148.4  150.9  124.6  122.9
Average number of sessions per family counselling case during the year 2.9 2.3 3.1 3.4 2.9 3.0 . 2.3 3.1 3.4 3.0 2.9
Average number of sessions per family counselling case since the establishment 3.9 2.9 4.7 4.8 3.8 3.8 . 2.8 5.0 5.1 4.1 3.9
Average man-hours per case during the year 4.1 3.2 4.7 4.2 4.3 4.2 . 3.1 4.6 4.3 4.3 4.4
Average man-hours per case since the establishment 5.5 4.0 7.0 5.7 5.6 5.4 . 3.9 7.4 5.9 6.1 6.0
Total time used on sessions during the year, family counselling  117 272 11 780 16 935 18 263 25 427 44 867  113 393 10 946 14 676 17 915 24 986 44 870
Total time used on sessions since the establishment, family counselling  156 561 14 645 25 438 25 034 33 129 58 315  157 847 13 575 23 322 24 619 35 479 60 852
Total number of sessions during the year, family counselling 83 630 8 429 11 133 14 962 17 287 31 819 78 881 7 944 9 936 14 195 17 288 29 518
Total number of sessions since the establishment, family counselling  112 047 10 585 16 946 20 962 22 464 41 090  110 055 9 826 15 801 21 025 23 709 39 694
Couple related issue main reason for enquiry, all cases 14 371 1 474 1 829 2 436 3 099 5 533 13 656 1 438 1 582 2 403 2 949 5 284
Parent-child related issue main reason for enquiry, all cases 2 884  362  352  521  586 1 063 3 907  572  429  687  866 1 353
Issue trusting to collaboration about children main reason for enquiry, all cases 7 113 1 221 1 044  900 1 402 2 546 5 515  921  742  609 1 148 2 095
Issue related to other family members or other main reason for enquiry, all cases  845  128 92  146  187  292  816  113 92  132  182  297
Individual problems main reason for enquiry, all cases 3 237  518  321  380  693 1 325 2 902  459  326  323  630 1 164
Main actions in the counselling, couple counselling, all cases 13 272 1 301 1 645 2 140 2 702 5 484 12 545 1 195 1 415 1 999 2 652 5 284
Main actions in the counselling, parents-children counselling, all cases 1 216  125  127  186  275  503 1 196  146  146  187  225  492
Main actions in the counselling, collaboration about children, all cases 3 808  590  662  516  806 1 234 3 082  484  489  383  651 1 075
Main actions in the counselling, counselling with the rest of the family/others, all cases  271 34 27 33 53  124  322 25 34 47 64  152
Main actions in the counselling, individual counselling, all cases 9 767 1 651 1 103 1 491 2 122 3 400 9 651 1 653 1 087 1 540 2 183 3 188
Main actions in the counselling, group treatment, all cases  117 2 74 18 9 14 . .. .. .. .. ..
Man-years, family counselling  415 59 48 71 71  166  394 55 60 54 73  152
Man-years family counselling by social workers  150 27 18 31 27 48  154 25 28 25 29 48
Man-years family counselling by psychologists  119 13 15 17 17 58  106 10 13 13 19 51
Man-years family counselling by other than social workers and psychologists 8 1 1 1 1 4 56 8 6 8 13 21
Man-years family counselling by office workers 61 6 5 11 15 24 77 12 12 8 12 32
Vacancies family counselling 78 12 9 11 12 33 19 5 5 4 2 3
Time used on co-operative project and/or own attempt 3 439  297  427  551  600 1 564 3 271  474  308  505  859 1 125
Time used on lecture or course 4 054  487  386  882 1 142 1 157 3 838  706 1 198  651  663  620
Time used on counselling or consultation 4 029  382  832 1 193 1 024  598 4 946  357  988 1 036  853 1 712
Time used on group therapy 1 585 56  314  199  448  568 1 056  173  123  121  184  455
Time used on media information  401 18 54  115 55  159  841  145  240  109  114  233
1  Figures for 2003 are not given. For further information about the figures please read About the statistics].
2  Gross operating expenditures are given in NOK 1 000.

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