Statistics Norway

Family counselling service

13   Figures national family counselling service. Figures for 2005
  Total Region North Region Middle Region West Region South Region East
Population, total 4 640 219  462 779  649 075  956 855  899 870 1 671 640
Gross operating expenditures, family counselling service1  256 624 34 267 32 163 45 332 45 977 98 885
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, public owned family counselling offices  139 871 25 626 10 874 16 639 14 876 71 856
Wage expenditures, public owned family counselling offices  105 632 19 525 8 258 12 678 11 594 53 577
Family counselling service cases 29 275 3 723 3 616 4 529 5 927 11 480
Family counselling service cases, public owned family counselling offices 15 455 2 895 1 117 1 709 1 993 7 741
Average waiting time per case, all cases, family counselling service 25.7 17.7 31.5 31.2 22.7 25.7
Average duration per family counselling case (days)  116 75  145  123  110  122
Average number of sessions per family counselling case during the year 2.9 2.3 3.1 3.4 2.8 2.9
Average number of sessions per family counselling case since the establishment 4.1 2.9 4.7 5.0 3.9 4.1
Average man-hours per case during the year 4.0 3.2 4.5 4.1 3.9 4.1
Average man-hours per case since the establishment 5.6 4.0 6.7 6.0 5.4 5.7
Total time used on sessions during the year, family counselling  116 526 11 897 16 162 18 502 23 136 46 829
Total time used on sessions since the establishment, family counselling  163 566 15 007 24 283 26 969 31 884 65 423
Total number of sessions during the year, family counselling 85 255 8 493 11 137 15 353 16 836 33 436
Total number of sessions since the establishment, family counselling  119 832 10 776 17 022 22 561 22 847 46 626
Couple related issue main reason for enquiry, all cases 14 681 1 523 1 784 2 482 3 083 5 809
Parent-child related issue main reason for enquiry, all cases 2 818  372  307  475  535 1 129
Issue trusting to collaboration about children main reason for enquiry, all cases 7 595 1 213  999  992 1 482 2 909
Issue related to other family members or other main reason for enquiry, all cases  860  117  117  142  186  298
Individual problems main reason for enquiry, all cases 3 318  498  409  437  640 1 334
Main actions in the counselling, couple counselling, all cases 13 278 1 311 1 575 2 101 2 681 5 610
Main actions in the counselling, parents-children counselling, all cases 1 310  147  162  198  270  533
Main actions in the counselling, collaboration about children, all cases 4 420  668  674  550  924 1 604
Main actions in the counselling, counselling with the rest of the family/others, all cases  271 33 31 32 62  113
Main actions in the counselling, individual counselling, all cases 9 892 1 553 1 133 1 631 1 974 3 601
Main actions in the counselling, group treatment, all cases  104 11 41 17 16 19
Man-years, family counselling  409 65 52 65 78  150
Man-years family counselling by social workers  157 30 20 31 29 46
Man-years family counselling by psychologists  104 11 15 14 14 50
Man-years family counselling by other than social workers and psychologists 71 10 7 9 21 25
Man-years family counselling by office workers 77 14 9 11 14 29
Vacancies family counselling 14 2 4 3 2 2
Time spent on group therapy 1 351 96  158  248  325  524
Time spent on relationship enhancement courses 3 575  514  650  711  979  721
Time spent on other measures for users 2 466  880  144  275  505  662
Time spent on information/guidance of students 1 333  103  175  517  228  310
Time spent on consultation/guidance of the support service 3 295  193  600  674  701 1 127
Time spent on courses/information of the support service 3 138  237  164 1 368  499  870
Time spent on information to the media  311 64 25 68 49  105
1  Gross operating expenditures are given in NOK 1 000.

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