Statistics Norway

Family counselling service

1 New cases in the Family counselling services, by the primary clients sex and reason for inquiry. Total and Region. 2010
  Total The primary clients sex Region
  Females Males Unknown sex Region East Region South Region West Region Middle Region North
Total number of cases 30 456 20 646 9 810 - 11 654 5 898 5 236 4 096 3 572
Total number of new cases 24 383 16 334 8 049 - 9 325 4 827 4 069 3 149 3 013
Acute crisis 5 324 3 490 1 834 - 2 047  972  992  562  751
Repeated problem 16 153 10 951 5 202 - 5 839 3 349 2 695 2 429 1 841
Preventive 2 906 1 893 1 013 - 1 439  506  382  158  421
Strengthen the relationship 7 370 4 772 2 598 - 3 022 1 473 1 313  861  701
Clarify whether the relationship will continue or not 2 690 1 792  898 -  939  609  543  392  207
End the relationship in the best way possible  445  351 94 -  167 82 85 54 57
Move on after end of a relationship  969  647  322 -  360  175  203  130  101
Strengthen parental knowledge 1 501 1 126  375 -  524  367  277  160  173
Strengthen collaboration on child/children with former partner 6 570 4 181 2 389 - 2 305 1 346  932  999  988
Discuss the roles of new family relations  313  223 90 - 98 82 62 41 30
Discuss relations regarding to relatives/other family members  626  490  136 -  240 93  146 81 66
Discuss problems regarding illness or operability in the family  236  175 61 -  100 28 48 36 24
Help regarding a serious incident or challenge  834  598  236 -  304  123  140 96  171
Help regarding cultural or minority problems 34 24 10 - 19 6 2 4 3
Help regarding physical/psychological violence  389  241  148 - 99 89 51 45  105
Help regarding sexual abuse 21 17 4 - 7 1 2 8 3
Help regarding drug addiction or other addictions 56 46 10 - 24 8 8 7 9
Information/advice/counselling 2 329 1 651  678 - 1 117  345  257  235  375

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