Statistics Norway

Family counselling service

8 Family counselling services, by primary client's age, gender, marital status and employment status. Total and region. 2010
  Total number of cases Region East Region South Region West Region Middle Region North
Total number of cases 30 456 11 654 5 898 5 236 4 096 3 572
Women 20 646 7 946 3 993 3 567 2 738 2 402
Men 9 810 3 708 1 905 1 669 1 358 1 170
Unknown gender - - - - - -
Under 25 years 1 781  545  339  308  251  338
25-34 years 7 890 2 809 1 500 1 438 1 121 1 022
35-44 years 13 242 5 200 2 641 2 197 1 753 1 451
45-54 years 5 831 2 378 1 145  990  735  583
55 years or older 1 712  722  273  303  236  178
Unknown - - - - - -
Marital status1            
Married/registered partner 11 796 4 513 2 420 2 368 1 437 1 058
Legally separated 2 337  978  486  362  266  245
Divorced 3 497 1 330  858  578  378  353
Widower/widow  135 53 23 24 15 20
Unmarried 12 691 4 780 2 111 1 904 2 000 1 896
Unknown - - - - - -
1 Cohabitant with partner 7 895 3 021 1 455 1 244 1 127 1 048
1 Solitary 11 070 4 241 2 066 1 705 1 556 1 502
Status regarding employment            
Full-time 19 640 7 578 3 655 3 393 2 793 2 221
Part-time 3 785 1 356  886  742  434  367
Registered unemployed  571  236  136 75 73 51
Not working 2 183  907  457  295  289  235
In education 1 694  666  284  274  202  268
Maternity leave 1 064  382  192  228  130  132
Other 1 519  529  288  229  175  298
Unknown - - - - - -
1  Cases where the primary client is registered with marital status cohabitant or single, are also registered with one of the other categories for marital status.

Explanation of symbols