Statistics Norway

11 Figures family counselling service. Figures for 2010
  Total Region East Region South Region West Region Middle Region North
Population, total 4 920 305 1 797 419  946 456 1 028 069  680 110  468 251
Gross operating expenditures, family counselling service1  324 625  118 102 58 408 61 765 43 096 43 254
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, public owned family counselling offices  198 475 92 468 20 109 24 564 28 103 33 231
Wage expenditures, public owned family counselling offices  152 538 71 352 15 235 19 459 21 739 24 753
Family counselling service cases 30 456 11 654 5 898 5 236 4 096 3 572
Family counselling service cases, public owned family counselling offices 18 162 8 935 2 124 1 906 2 439 2 758
Average waiting time per case, all cases, family counselling service 31 29 28 32 34 39
Average duration per family counselling case (days)  137  133  129  146  162  120
Average number of sessions per family counselling case during the year 3.1 3.0 2.9 3.6 3.2 2.5
Average number of sessions per family counselling case since the establishment 4.5 4.5 3.9 5.4 5.2 3.3
Average man-hours per case during the year 4.1 4.1 3.8 4.5 4.5 3.5
Average man-hours per case since the establishment 6.0 6.1 5.1 6.8 7.1 4.7
Total time used on sessions during the year, family counselling  124 179 47 324 22 341 23 463 18 450 12 601
Total time used on sessions since the establishment, family counselling  182 096 70 946 29 791 35 494 29 229 16 636
Total number of sessions during the year, family counselling 93 414 35 234 17 210 19 014 13 074 8 882
Total number of sessions since the establishment, family counselling  136 884 52 480 22 905 28 495 21 126 11 878
Main actions in the counselling, couple counselling, all cases 12 842 5 112 2 609 2 342 1 703 1 076
Main actions in the counselling, parents counselling, all cases 6 097 2 208 1 253  823 1 023  790
Main actions in the counselling, counselling with the family/relatives, all cases 1 604  642  349  256  178  179
Main actions in the counselling, individual counselling, all cases 9 832 3 665 1 666 1 803 1 185 1 513
Main actions in the counselling, group treatment, all cases 81 27 21 12 7 14
Main actions in the counselling unknown            
Man-years, family counselling  421.7  149.5 78.2 78.1 56.7 59.3
Man-years family counselling by social workers  156.2 40.5 32.9 29.7 26.4 26.8
Man-years family counselling by psychologists  108.8 48.3 16.0 21.3 13.8 9.4
Man-years family counselling by other than social workers and psychologists 78.5 29.8 15.1 16.0 7.4 10.3
Man-years family counselling by office workers 78.2 30.9 14.2 11.2 9.1 12.9
Vacancies family counselling 10.2 3.7 1.0 0.5 0.6 4.5
Hours spent on group therapy 2 223  633  425  291  533  341
Hours spent on relationship enhancement courses 1 958  971  367  130  171  319
Hours spent on other measures for users 3 052 1 245  357  858  365  227
Hours spent on information/guidance of students  664  125 77  217  105  140
Hours spent on consultation/guidance of the support service 4 544 1 439  406  862  623 1 214
Hours spent on courses/information of the support service 4 071 1 035  167 1 139  473 1 257
Hours spent on information to the media  974  533  147  206 55 33
1  Gross operating expenditures are given in NOK 1 000.

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