Statistics Norway

Family counselling service

11 Figures family counselling service. Figures for 2011
  Total Region East Region South Region West Region Middle Region North
Population, total 4 985 870 1 827 829  957 430 1 041 886  687 968  470 757
Gross operating expenditures, family counselling service1  329 010  117 892 60 035 62 308 44 978 43 797
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, public owned family counselling offices  201 255 92 046 21 003 25 954 29 147 33 105
Wage expenditures, public owned family counselling offices  154 220 70 599 15 137 21 197 22 779 24 508
Family counselling service cases 30 850 11 583 6 110 5 456 4 008 3 693
Family counselling service cases, public owned family counselling offices 18 099 8 805 2 073 2 084 2 379 2 758
Average waiting time per case, all cases, family counselling service 30 29 27 33 33 30
Average duration per family counselling case (days)  136  140  126  151  150  109
Average number of sessions per family counselling case during the year 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.7 3.2 2.5
Average number of sessions per family counselling case since the establishment 4.6 4.6 4.0 5.7 5.2 3.3
Average man-hours per case during the year 4.1 4.1 3.8 4.6 4.6 3.5
Average man-hours per case since the establishment 6.1 6.3 5.1 7.0 7.3 4.6
Total time used on sessions during the year, family counselling  126 849 47 358 23 498 24 848 18 354 12 791
Total time used on sessions since the establishment, family counselling  188 092 72 646 31 130 38 300 29 066 16 950
Total number of sessions during the year, family counselling 95 828 34 890 18 467 20 379 12 960 9 132
Total number of sessions since the establishment, family counselling  142 071 53 668 24 366 31 170 20 682 12 185
Main actions in the counselling, couple counselling, all cases 12 738 5 021 2 544 2 370 1 678 1 125
Main actions in the counselling, parents counselling, all cases 6 503 2 281 1 395  901 1 074  852
Main actions in the counselling, counselling with the family/relatives, all cases 1 651  665  358  274  185  169
Main actions in the counselling, individual counselling, all cases 9 837 3 582 1 781 1 888 1 057 1 529
Main actions in the counselling, group treatment, all cases  121 34 32 23 14 18
Main actions in the counselling unknown - - - - - -
Man-years, family counselling  419.4  149.7 76.3 79.4 55.8 58.2
Man-years family counselling by social workers  149.9 42.9 29.5 33.2 22.1 22.2
Man-years family counselling by psychologists  109.8 48.4 14.9 22.4 13.6 10.5
Man-years family counselling by other than social workers and psychologists 85.7 31.0 18.3 12.0 10.6 13.8
Man-years family counselling by office workers 73.9 27.4 13.5 11.8 9.5 11.7
Vacancies family counselling 10.5 1.8 0.8 0.9 3.9 3.1
Hours spent on group therapy 3 012 1 199  554  327  702  230
Hours spent on relationship enhancement courses 1 931  555  760  197  324 95
Hours spent on other measures for users 4 470 1 805  486  962  599  618
Hours spent on information/guidance of students  731  204 56  208  167 96
Hours spent on consultation/guidance of the support service 6 257 1 808  547 1 896  941 1 065
Hours spent on courses/information of the support service 4 447 1 334  371 1 134  611  997
Hours spent on information to the media  911  359  139  173  119  121
1  Gross operating expenditures are given in NOK 1000].

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