Holiday survey

5   Number of nights spent on holiday, by main destination and average number of nights spent on holiday per person and per trip by different criteria. 2000
  Number of nights1 Average number of nights on holiday trip per person Average number of nights spent per holiday trip
  Total2 Domestic Outbound Among all Among people with holiday trips
1999 52 609 28 047 24 562 15,6 20,6 10,3
2000 50 968 24 004 26 890 15,1 20,2 10,0
Male 24 215 11 691 12 451 14,3 19,9 9,7
Female 26 753 12 314 14 439 15,8 20,4 10,2
16 - 24 7 891 3 176 4 715 14,4 18,8 9,7
25 - 44 21 218 9 888 11 257 16,0 20,3 10,2
45 - 66 15 885 7 496 8 389 15,6 20,3 9,6
67 - 79 5 974 3 444 2 529 12,1 21,5 10,6
Household income. 1 000 NOK            
- 99 3 461 1 884 1 576 14,6 23,5 10,8
100 - 199 4 451 2 166 2 253 13,4 20,8 11,5
200 - 299 5 434 2 478 2 955 12,1 19,2 9,6
300 - 399 6 972 3 468 3 504 13,3 18,7 10,3
400 - 499 5 799 2 906 2 893 13,6 18,8 9,7
500 - 19 827 8 782 11 003 19,9 22,1 9,8
Not stated 5 026 2 320 2 705 12,1 16,6 9,6
Region of residence            
Akershus and Oslo 14 812 6 487 8 325 22,1 25,8 10,1
Hedmark and Oppland 2 518 1 170 1 348 9,7 15,8 8,2
Eastern Norway n.e.c. 7 435 3 067 4 368 12,4 17,2 9,3
Agder and Rogaland 7 103 3 038 4 065 14,4 20,6 10,4
Western Norway 8 993 4 678 4 315 14,0 18,8 9,9
Trøndelag 4 570 2 371 2 199 12,0 16,4 10,3
Northern Norway 5 537 3 193 2 270 16,6 21,8 11,1
Nights spent on holiday in total            
4 - 7 16 069 9 477 6 574 5,7 5,7 5,5
8 - 14 18 148 7 096 10 995 11,8 11,8 11,6
15 - 28 9 522 4 310 5 212 21,4 21,4 20,0
29 - 91 6 221 2 874 3 347 42,0 42,0 42,2
92 - 365 1 008 246 762 120,7 120,7 146,7
1  1 000.
2  A possible difference between the total column and the following two columns is due to the destination not being stated.

Explanation of symbols